Crisis management

Crisis Communication

This training takes into account the profound changes in the media environment in recent years. This has repercussions, among other things, on communication in the event of a crisis or serious event. Thanks to mobile phones, the Internet and social networks, the population now has the opportunity to obtain information without intermediaries.

The authorities therefore need to disseminate their information quickly. Journalists also expect the authorities to communicate quickly and comprehensively using all available channels. This places heavy demands on the heads of the governing bodies at all levels.

The aim is to provide managers at all levels with an instrument that identifies all the generally accepted principles of modern crisis communication. The text is divided into concise chapters and supplemented by checklists.

This training is an aid to prepare and master the communication and information of the population in the event of disasters, emergencies or major events. It provides information officers with an appropriate basis for developing a communication concept that will enable them to communicate in the best possible way in the event of an event or crisis.

The Crisis Management Center

This training takes into account the profound changes in the media environment in recent years. This has repercussions, among other things, on communication in the event of a crisis or serious event. Thanks to mobile phones, the Internet and social networks, the population now has the opportunity to obtain information without intermediaries.

The authorities therefore need to disseminate their information quickly. Journalists also expect the authorities to communicate quickly and comprehensively using all available channels. This places heavy demands on the heads of the governing bodies at all levels.

The aim is to provide managers at all levels with an instrument that identifies all the generally accepted principles of modern crisis communication. The text is divided into concise chapters and supplemented by checklists.

This training is an aid to prepare and master the communication and information of the population in the event of disasters, emergencies or major events. It provides information officers with an appropriate basis for developing a communication concept that will enable them to communicate in the best possible way in the event of an event or crisis.

The Crisis Management Plan

This training takes into account the profound changes in the media environment in recent years. This has repercussions, among other things, on communication in the event of a crisis or serious event. Thanks to mobile phones, the Internet and social networks, the population now has the opportunity to obtain information without intermediaries.

The authorities therefore need to disseminate their information quickly. Journalists also expect the authorities to communicate quickly and comprehensively using all available channels. This places heavy demands on the heads of the governing bodies at all levels.

The aim is to provide managers at all levels with an instrument that identifies all the generally accepted principles of modern crisis communication. The text is divided into concise chapters and supplemented by checklists.

This training is an aid to prepare and master the communication and information of the population in the event of disasters, emergencies or major events. It provides information officers with an appropriate basis for developing a communication concept that will enable them to communicate in the best possible way in the event of an event or crisis.

Conflict Management in Organizations

Our training will focus on internal conflicts resulting from group communication, tensions that arise around the activity of the organization. There are several ways of dealing with interpersonal conflicts. The various authors do not agree on the definition of the types of conflicts, their causes and solutions. But they all agree on one point: in all areas of our lives, interpersonal conflicts are not only inevitable, they are also necessary to our work dynamics, and even more so, to our vitality!

However, if these conflicts are not managed properly, they can have negative or even dramatic consequences. First of all on the individual (loss of confidence, performance, dynamism, health problems…); then on the organization (loss of productivity, poor external image…).

It is therefore necessary to take this conflict management seriously by installing a climate conducive to communication and a management style adapted to the organization (size, activity, direction, etc.). Prevention is certainly to be emphasized but the organization must know how to manage conflict when it is present and this management is not improvised in a corridor or on the phone. It requires knowledge, a real groundwork that can, in the long term, be profitable.

Risk analysis

Organizations, because of their diversity in terms of types, sectors and sizes (corporate, government, NGO, individual, etc.) are faced with factors that influence them both internally and externally. The risk is the uncertainty generated by these factors about whether an organization will achieve its objectives.

Today, organizations are faced with two objectives that seem, at first glance, to be contradictory:

The development of innovation in the quest to offer a better product and the conquest of new markets on the one hand, and the development of innovation in the quest to offer a better product and the conquest of new markets on the other.
The guarantee of a high level of security and the control of risks often generated by any innovative process of another. Precaution is a treatment of risk that existed before public opinion and then legislation established it as a principle.
Over time, the multiplication of different tragic events has demonstrated the importance of adequate risk management. Nowadays, risk management is an essential element for the survival of any type of organism. Indeed, risk can be the driving force behind strategic decisions, a source of many uncertainties and a threat to the sustainability of activities.

A global approach to risk management makes it possible to assess the impact of all types of risk on all processes, including people, property and the environment.  It is in this logic that the ISO 31000 standard “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines” was published. It offers a structured and global approach to the implementation of risk management in companies; the aim of this training is to ensure that you master it.

The Emergency Plan

Organizations, because of their diversity in terms of types, sectors and sizes (corporate, government, NGO, individual, etc.) are faced with factors that influence them both internally and externally. The risk is the uncertainty generated by these factors about whether an organization will achieve its objectives.

Today, organizations are faced with two objectives that seem, at first glance, to be contradictory:

The development of innovation in the quest to offer a better product and the conquest of new markets on the one hand, and the development of innovation in the quest to offer a better product and the conquest of new markets on the other.
The guarantee of a high level of security and the control of risks often generated by any innovative process of another. Precaution is a treatment of risk that existed before public opinion and then legislation established it as a principle.
Over time, the multiplication of different tragic events has demonstrated the importance of adequate risk management. Nowadays, risk management is an essential element for the survival of any type of organism. Indeed, risk can be the driving force behind strategic decisions, a source of many uncertainties and a threat to the sustainability of activities.

A global approach to risk management makes it possible to assess the impact of all types of risk on all processes, including people, property and the environment.  It is in this logic that the ISO 31000 standard “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines” was published. It offers a structured and global approach to the implementation of risk management in companies; the aim of this training is to ensure that you master it.



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