Operational risk management

Investigations and Inquiries

Every day, more or less serious fires break out in the workplace. While the number of direct victims (dead, burned, smoke poisoned) is relatively low, the economic risk is very high.
As the main source of damage in companies, fire is a major risk for people and property. Taking fire risk into account as a prevention measure is essential to avoid the temporary or permanent closure of the establishment following an accident.
Fire is a permanent danger in the company because it simply puts the life of the company at stake. Indeed, in nearly 80% of cases, the company disappears within two years of the fire.
The main risk factors are: electrical installations, heating and air-conditioning systems, cooking appliances, etc… To this must be added the lack of staff training in fire risk prevention, as several cases of fire outbreaks recorded have been brought under control by the staff. Furthermore, staff training enables risk factors to be identified from the outset and eliminated.

Safety & Industrial Risks - Health Prevention

An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is a management system combining people, policies, resources and aimed at improving a company’s performance in terms of occupational health and safety (OHS).
It is a tool that enables better control of the company’s organization and continuous improvement by integrating S&H into all functions.
The adoption of such a system is the expression of a global and managerial approach to occupational risk prevention. It is a voluntary approach that aims to :

anticipate changes,
increase the company’s responsiveness and performance in S&H risk prevention,
Limit S&ST malfunctions,
ensure overall consistency with other management approaches.
It contributes to the improvement of the company’s image.
SMS provides a framework for global and structured risk management, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They often allow a strategic positioning of S&ST, conferring authority and legitimacy to the safety function, and are a potential source of learning for the company in all areas. From this point of view, their implementation should be encouraged as long as certain conditions are met. On the other hand, they can have undesirable effects if they are not implemented in compliance with certain essential values or under the right conditions: excessive standardisation of management methods, breakdown of social dialogue, compliance with a system without real progress, excessive control of behaviour.
An SMS can be part of a sustainable development approach, which must take into account the health and safety of workers.

Storage, Stacking, Stowage, Handling and Occupational Safety

In the manufacturing sector, there are several situations where work must be performed at height and where there is a real risk of accidents. Not to mention the construction work that sometimes has to be done. The use of temporary scaffolding is common during such work, as is the use of ladders and stepladders. The problems associated with protecting against falls from height during this type of work are numerous and can be complex.
Fortunately, there is equipment available to safely perform this work at height, such as lifting platforms (scissor or articulated arm) and forklift platforms.  This equipment does not eliminate all risks of falling.
It is therefore important to seriously consider these risks and all the equipment used. Above all, however, it is advisable to start with elimination at source, as working at height is not inevitable. By asking the question of its relevance and looking for alternatives, one can undoubtedly eliminate several risk situations. It is therefore necessary to start with strategies to prevent falls from height. This training session will address each of the elements outlined here.
The aim of this training is to achieve homogeneity in storage techniques and available storage space and to acquire a level of maturity in stacking and stowage in the warehouse for teams of handlers, forklift operators and store managers.
This training is justified by observations made by the Consultant relating in particular to :

  • Insufficient staff training in storage methods (storage, stacking and stowage);
  • The status of store workers: mostly seasonal and daily workers.
  • Failures and inadequacies observed in stores often built without a storage and circulation plan (ground markings and various signs), without a plan for the prevention of incidents and accidents at work, and without a fire safety and evacuation plan in the event of a disaster.
  • Accidentology (Incidents/accidents): Work accidents and incidents are frequently recorded in warehouses. They are generally falls from height by stackers or forklift drivers and/or collapses of cotton stacks, …).
Fire safety

Every day, more or less serious fires break out in the workplace. Although the number of direct victims (dead, burned, smoke poisoned) is relatively low, the economic risk is very high. Taking fire risk into account as a prevention measure is essential to avoid the temporary or permanent closure of the establishment following an accident.
Fire is a permanent danger in the company because it simply puts the life of the company at stake. Indeed, in nearly 80% of cases, the company disappears within two years of the fire.
The main risk factors are: electrical installations, heating and air-conditioning systems, cooking appliances, etc… To this must be added the lack of staff training in fire risk prevention, as several cases of fire outbreaks recorded have been brought under control by the staff. Furthermore, staff training enables risk factors to be identified from the outset and eliminated.

First Aid

First aid consists of the provision of the knowledge necessary for the proper execution of rescue actions intended to preserve the physical integrity of a victim, protect the victim and witnesses, alert the appropriate emergency services, prevent the victim’s condition from worsening, and preserve his or her physical integrity while awaiting the arrival of organized assistance.

Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Health and Environment

The work environment, employee health and safety are paramount in the workplace.
An employee who is protected and who has a clean and healthy work environment, with a lot of prevention, will be a better employee at all levels.
Some work environments are aggressive in nature and require employees to pay close attention to protect their health.
The protection of the environment, health and safety at work involves all parties to the social contract and therefore everyone’s responsibility could be engaged.
The implementation of better controls and procedures helps to reduce the number of occupational accidents and illnesses.
The objective of this training is not only to raise awareness but also to equip personnel to protect their environment, safety and health from various risks.

Risk Analysis / Audits (Security, etc.)

Organizations, because of their diversity in terms of types, sectors and sizes (corporate, government, NGO, individual, etc.) are faced with factors that influence them both internally and externally. The risk is the uncertainty generated by these factors about whether an organization will achieve its objectives.
Today, organizations are faced with two objectives that seem, at first glance, to be contradictory:
The development of innovation in the quest to offer a better product and the conquest of new markets on the one hand, and the development of innovation in the quest to offer a better product and the conquest of new markets on the other.
The guarantee of a high level of security and the control of risks often generated by any innovative process of another. Precaution is a treatment of risk that existed before public opinion and then legislation established it as a principle.
Over time, the multiplication of different tragic events has demonstrated the importance of adequate risk management. Nowadays, risk management is an essential element for the survival of any type of organism. Indeed, risk can be the driving force behind strategic decisions, a source of many uncertainties and a threat to the sustainability of activities.
A global approach to risk management makes it possible to assess the impact of all types of risk on all processes, including people, property and the environment.  It is in this logic that the ISO 31000 standard “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines” was published. It offers a structured and global approach to the implementation of risk management in companies; the aim of this training is to ensure that you master it.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a device or means intended to be worn or held by a person to protect him against one or more risks likely to threaten his safety and health while performing a task at his workplace.
PPE is universally classified into 3 categories, depending on the seriousness of the risk concerned: work equipment covering minor risks (Class 1), specific protective equipment for major risks (Class 2), and safety equipment for serious risks with irreversible or fatal effects (Class 3).
The risks can be of different kinds: chemical (dust, steam, solvent…), mechanical (shock, cut, projection…), electrical, thermal, biological, ionising or non-ionising radiation (infrared, laser, ultraviolet), noise….

Internal Operation Plan (IOP)

As part of contingency planning, the operator of an industrial activity establishes an internal operations plan (IOP) to define the emergency measures within its installation.
The internal operation plan (IOP) is an emergency plan, drawn up by the operator on the basis of the hazard study. It sets out the measures to be taken and organises the emergency resources, equipment and response methods to be implemented to deal with any incidents that occur in one of the installations on the site and whose effects are not likely to exceed the limits of the site.
This plan is triggered by the head of the company (or by his duly authorised representative) who directs the internal emergency services.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) can be defined as a process that aims to ensure the functioning of a company in a degraded mode, in the event of a disaster or major catastrophe.
We know today that in an environment that has become highly competitive, the reliability and reputation of a company have become essential notions. It is therefore important to note that a company can prove that beyond the respect of rules and standards, its brand image and the trust of its customers, it can survive a complete shutdown of its activities for more than 3 days.
Therefore, implementing a business continuity plan will enable the company, by anticipating all possible incident and disaster scenarios, to ensure its survival and the maintenance of its key activities.


Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

It allows an orderly resumption of a company’s activities following a major crisis.
The recovery plan helps to prepare for the resumption of activity after a period of crisis. The recovery will certainly take place gradually, following the deconfinement rules put in place by the government, and will certainly take a different approach depending on the company’s activities.
The elaboration of the recovery plan must lead employers to reflect and analyze the activities that can be restarted but also the measures and human and material means to be put in place so that this recovery can take place while ensuring the protection of workers and third parties.
The Business Resumption Plan must also be well thought out to remobilize staff after several weeks of inactivity.



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